Autor: Hödlmoser

Monitoring OpenLDAP

Debian / LDAP

due to OpenLDAP went for on-line configuration (OLC) its not that easy to enable Monitoring. Monitoring in this context here means to at least be able to run a Munin plugin to get nice graphs for OpenLDAP as I do here.

build your own basic Raspberry Pi Debian image

Debian / Raspberry Pi

Outdated! May I point you to Raspbian Lite Image by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Outdated! May I point you to raspbian-ua-netinst. Seems that I’m one of these lucky guys already received their Raspberry Pi. I ordered it from RS on the 5th and got it on the 10th of May. Posted my unboxing on Google+. But which distribution should I install? There are many on the downloads page. First choice was the Debian image, because I’m […]

Tobias Eisenbahn


irgendwann im sommer 2009 begann sich mein sohn Tobias für die modelleisenbahn meines bruders mehr zu interessieren. nachdem aber diese eisenbahn schon mehr als 10 jahre auf dem elterlichen dachboden verstaubte, ist hier sehr viel zu tun.