Autor: Hödlmoser

WatchDog for Raspberry Pi

Debian / Raspberry Pi

for a Raspberry Pi used in remote, automated systems watchdog timers are essential. „A watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. During normal operation, the computer regularly resets the watchdog timer to prevent it from elapsing, or „timing out“. If, due to a hardware fault or program error, the computer fails to reset […]

Cisco IP Phone 7942 w/ Asterisk

Asterisk / VoIP

here is how I got my Cisco IP Phone 7942 provisioned with Asterisk. this is the result of a whole weekend on searching, flashing, codeing, rebooting, … I believe it applies to the 7962 model as well. anyhow, all the flashing of firmware, provisioning of configuration, localization, … is done via TFTP. furthermore a DHCP server announces the TFTP server. so in a first step you have to …

einfaches Debian Jessie mit hüpschem XFCE


in den letzten tagen hab ich ein paar alte laptops und schwachbrüstige nettops mit Debian Jessie und einem hüpschen XFCE bestückt. hüpsch hier meint mit Greybird Theme und Faenza Icons. nachdem ich wahrscheinlich in die verlegenheit komme das noch öfters zu tun oder wahrscheinlich sogar danach gefragt werde, wie ich denn das bewerkstelligt habe, darf ich das in diesem blog-eintrag für die nachwelt festhalten.



was mich schon seit längerem stört, daß mein USB-kartenleser keine karten mehr erkennt (eigentlich alle auf allen rechnern), außer, man steckt ihn mit geladener karte frisch an oder die karte steckt schon während des bootens drinnen. dieses problem ist auch ausführlich hier beschreiben. ich selbst kann mich nicht mehr erinnern, seit wann dieses fehlerbild aufgetreten ist. die lösung dazu ist jedenfalls ganz einfach: kernel polling aufdrehen. bleibt der nachwelt herauszufinden, warum denn das plötzlich nicht mehr so ohne […]

Apache 2.2 on Debian Wheezy w/ PHP-FPM, FastCGI, APC and a kind of suEXEC

Apache / Debian / PHP

won’t talk about pros and cons of PHP-FPM, FastCGI, APC and all that stuff, there are tons of articels around, see also the links below. main urge was to speed up PHP with APC, get rid of preforked Apaches, run PHP scripts as their native user and many more. just giving an overview how I’ve easily set it up here, having different „customers“ programming their own PHP scripts and also Debian packages ready to run.

force iptables to log into own logfile


as Andrea described there is an easy way to force iptables to log into its own logfile. I’d like to sum it up in this post. you need to change all your log-prefixes to have a unique keyword, e.g. netfilter as I do in the following example. afterwards just add some filter conditions for rsyslogd. place a file called 10-iptables.conf into /etc/rsyslog.d/ with the following content. both lines match on every log message containing netfilter, […]

IPv6 enabled OpenVPN

Debian / IPv6 / OpenVPN

if your OpenVPN is already connecting two or more IPv4 LANs its very easy to add IPv6. just have a look on IPv6 Payload Patch for OpenVPN 2.1 and 2.2 for the new options. get your own ULA at for the internal IPs of the OpenVPN server and client.