Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Raspberry Pi

WatchDog for Raspberry Pi

Debian / Raspberry Pi

for a Raspberry Pi used in remote, automated systems watchdog timers are essential. „A watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. During normal operation, the computer regularly resets the watchdog timer to prevent it from elapsing, or „timing out“. If, due to a hardware fault or program error, the computer fails to reset […]

build your own basic Raspberry Pi Debian image

Debian / Raspberry Pi

Outdated! May I point you to Raspbian Lite Image by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Outdated! May I point you to raspbian-ua-netinst. Seems that I’m one of these lucky guys already received their Raspberry Pi. I ordered it from RS on the 5th and got it on the 10th of May. Posted my unboxing on Google+. But which distribution should I install? There are many on the downloads page. First choice was the Debian image, because I’m […]